Works Cited on Family

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Abrego, Leisy J. Sacrificing Families: Navigating Laws, Labor, and Love across Borders. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2014.

Baca Zinn, Maxine. “Political Familism: Toward Sex Role Equality in Chicano Families.” Aztlán 6, no. 1 (1975): 13-26.

Chicano Youth Liberation Conference. “El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán.” In Aztlán: An Anthology of Mexican American Literature, edited by Luis Valdez and Stan Steiner, 402-6. New York: Vintage, 1972.

Coontz, Stephanie. The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap. New York: Basic, 1993.

Gonzales, Alfonso. Reform without Justice: Latino Migrant Politics and the Homeland Security State. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Kastanis, Angeliki, and Gary J. Gates. “LGBT Latino/a Individuals and Latino/a Same-Sex Couples.” Los Angeles: Williams Institute / University of California, Los Angeles School of Law, 2013.

Lewis, Oscar. Five Families: Mexican Case Studies in the Culture of Poverty. New York: Basic Books, 1959.

Lewis, Oscar. La Vida: A Puerto Rican Family in the Culture of Poverty-San Juan and New York. New York, Random House: 1966b.

Montes, Brian. “No Longer Silent: A Historical Moment of Latino Student Activism.” Latino Studies 3, no. 2 (2005): 280-87.

Moraga, Cherríe. “Queer Aztlán: The Re-Formation of Chicano Tribe.” In The Last Generation, 145-73. Boston: South End Press, 1993b.

Pallares, Amalia. Family Activism: Immigrant Struggles and the Politics of Noncitizenship. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2015.

Rodríguez, Richard T. Next of Kin: The Family in Chicano/a Cultural Politics. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009.

Rodríguez, Richard T. Next of Kin: The Family in Chicano/a Cultural Politics. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009.

Roque Ramírez, Horacio N. “‘That’s My Place!’: Negotiating Racial, Sexual, and Gender Politics in San Francisco’s Gay Latino Alliance, 1975-1983.” Journal of the History of Sexuality 12 (2003): 224-58.

Torres, Arlene. “La Gran Familia Puertorriqueña ‘Ej prieta de beldá’ (The Great Puerto Rican Family Is Really Really Black).” In Blackness in Latin America and the Caribbean: Social Dynamics and Cultural Transformations, vol. 2, edited by Arlene Torres and Norman E. Whitten Jr., 285-306. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998.

Williams, Norma. The Mexican American Family: Tradition and Change. Dix Hills, NY: General Hall, 1990.