by Pawan Dhingra

About Pawan Dhingra

Pawan Dhingra is Chair and Professor of Sociology and American Studies at Tufts University. He co-curated the Smithsonian Institution exhibition Beyond Bollywood (2014). He also has authored two award-­winning monographs: Managing Multicultural Lives: Asian American Professionals and the Challenge of Multiple Identities (2007) and Life behind the Lobby: Indian American Motel Owners and the American Dream (2012). He recently co-­authored Asian America: Sociological and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2014).


Ethnic entrepreneurship supposedly symbolizes minority uplift based on principles of free choice, free markets, and limited government support. Within this neoliberal framework Asian American business owners have become yet another version of the “model minority,” a population other minorities should emulate for their hard work and resourcefulness and whose achievements indicate a meritocratic United States. Ethnic niches, that is industry- or product-specific stores commonly associated with an ethnic group, have been heralded by politicians and minority communities themselves. So, more than simply an economic term, the entrepreneur (i.e., one who finds or creates opportunities and products, often through self-employment) is an ideological construct.