by Julie Sze

About Julie Sze

Julie Sze is Professor of American Studies at the University of California, Davis. She is the author of three books, most recently, Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger.


In everyday speech, the meaning of the term nature may seem self-evident. Nature is the opposite of culture: the outdoors, the untamed, the wild, the timeless. It is what lies before and beyond society and civilization. Toddlers use the term in this way when they say that they “collect nature” when gathering sticks and leaves in the backyard or park. Yet as Raymond Williams says, “nature is perhaps the most complex word in the language” and any effort to fix or define its meaning is a fraught venture (1983, 219). This danger arises because definitions of nature are historically specific and culturally embedded in ideological systems. The nature of nature under Western modernity was (and remains) marked by violent and racializing processes of European colonialism and global capitalism, just as contestation over the nature of nature is central to efforts to dismantle that legacy today.


If there is any phrase that represents both environmental problems and the call to action in the last three decades, it’s the injunction to “Think Global–Act Local.” On the most basic level, this approach connects thinking and acting. For many, this slogan effectively connects individual action with collective impacts or change. Less obvious, but no less important, thinking globally and acting locally also demands that people more fully comprehend the relationship between the local and the global or, in other words, that they consider scale.