by D. Christopher Gabbard

About D. Christopher Gabbard

D. Christopher Gabbard is Professor of English at the University of North Florida. His articles have appeared in PMLA, Studies in English Literature, Restoration, English Language Notes, and Eighteenth-Century Studies. His work has also appeared in The Madwoman and the Blindman: Jane Eyre, Discourse, Disability (2012).


The term “human” occupies a central place in disability studies because people living with physical, sensory, intellectual, or psychosocial impairments have so often been deemed to be not fully human or even animals with human faces. However, people with disabilities are hardly alone in this, for members of various groups and populations have been (and, indeed, continue to be) marginalized as the Other at different historical moments. In addition to those who have been labeled deaf, dumb, blind, idiot, mad, and leprous, a list of groups whose humanity has been discounted or denied includes slaves, women, colonized populations, and people of color/nonwhite people.