
Blackness is enthusiastic social vision, given in (non)performance, as the surrealization of space and time, the inseparability of gravity and matter, fabric’s fabrication, field’s feel, rub’s rub, plain’s chant, an endlessly ante-­inaugural endlessness of means, an empillowed, haptically ham-­boned coinstrumentality of care, in caressive sound and anachoreographic sounding. Anticipating originary correction with self-­defensive division and (re)collection, it goes way back, long before the violent norm, as an impure informality to come. Its open and initiatory counterpleasures reveal the internal, public resource of our common sense/s, where flavorful touch is all bound up with falling into the general antagonistic embrace. That autonomous song and dance is our intellectual descent; it neither opposes nor follows from dissent but, rather, gives it a chance. Consent to that submergence is terrible and beautiful. Moreover, the apparent (racial) exclusivity of the (under)privilege of claiming this dis/ability serially impairs—­though it can never foreclose—­the discovery that the priority of sovereign regulation is false. In order to get the plain sense of this, you have to use your imagination against the world, since in the world—­that dream, that nightmare of dominion, overview, and oversight—­blackness comes sharply into relief against its negation. On the ground, in the field, in...

This essay may be found on page 27 of the printed volume.

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